“As a cook would stir a great pot of stew, I saw a very large pot being stirred with a huge spoon; bringing meat up from the bottom of the pot.
And so God has started stirring the Body of Christ, to see who will rise to the top. Who will rise to the call of the Holy Spirit to be used in these latter days to bring the Kingdom of Heaven into the Earth.
Who will be used to prepare the Earth for the harvest of the Lamb of God and usher in the return of Jesus.”
The date is now 2023, and this is more true than ever before. IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN TODAY, THE HOLY SPIRIT SAYS, WAKE UP, RISE UP, COME TOGETHER. The heart of God is and always has been building the Kingdom of Heaven,
He says “let’s see how many we can get in”.
We are truly in the latter days of this age. It is time for us to set aside our agenda and ask the Holy Spirit what his agenda is. We must come alongside and collaborate with the spirit of God to accomplish his desire,
And his purpose and plan in the Earth today. The Bible says we are all members of the body of Christ. Each one of us has been given specific in unique gifts from God, and talents that he expects us to use as he has commanded.
We are not to be idle or foolish in the use of our time and energy. If we are not sure what those gifts and talents are, or what the calling of God on our life is, there is a very simple solution. Get alone with the lord and ask Him
to reveal to you what your gifts and talents are, and what assignments or callings He asks you to complete in doing your part to build the kingdom of heaven. Let’s each do our part. The Lord holds us accountable for what he has shown
us to do. There will be great reward for all that you do in building the kingdom of heaven.
If you picture in your mind the Lord standing in this immense kitchen stirring the pot, you can almost see the angels standing roundabout the Lord awaiting their assignments. As different chunks of the stew rise up
from the bottom of the pot the Lord points to this one and then that one and says to the angels go take Power to this one, and help to those over there. Anoint these for all that I have called them to do.